カテゴリ: 日記

Hello everyone!

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This past five days, Chan-san, was an intern here at Michi no Eki Aso. If you read the previous blog entry, you already know that we went to Kusasenri to see the Noyaki (controlled burning). But that's not all she was able to do with us as you'll see in the rest of this article. 

Chan-san vient de passer cinq jours en tant que stagiaire à Michi no Eki Aso. Si vous avez lu le dernier article de ce blog, vous savez déjà que nous sommes allés voir le Noyaki (brûlage). Mais ce n'est pas tout et je vais vous en parler dans la suite de cet article. 

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She started her internship by participating in our "pasture tour". This tour allow the participant to enter normally restricted pastures in Aso and enjoy the scenery and activities there. As you can see on some of the pictures she enjoyed her time quite a bit. She even went back the next day and was even able to speak to a tv crew about her experience in Aso pastures. 

Elle a débuté son stage en participant à notre "tour des pâturages".Ce tour permet au participants de pénétrer dans les pâturages d'Aso qui sont normalement interdit d'accès et de profiter en plus des paysages, de diverses activitées. Comme vous pouvez le voir sur les photos, elle a passé un bon moment. Elle y est d'ailleurs retournée le lendemain et a également pu s'entretenir avec une équipe de télévision sur place et ainsi donner ses impressions concernant les pâturages d'Aso. 

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I won't write again about the noyaki at Kusasenri on Sunday so let's pass at yesterday when we went to visit Aso Shrine. Unfortunately it was raining a bit but it didn't prevent us to enjoy the area. First we went to the Shrine itself where Chan-san was able to pay her respect to the shrine's deities and to buy an omikuji (fortune on a piece of paper). She was really happy to see that she got the most positive fortune! After that we went to the shopping street next to the shrine and ate a croquette filled with horse meat and a choux cream. 

Je ne vais pas écrire de nouveau sur le Noyaki de la journée de dimanche et c'est pourquoi je vais passer directement à hier ou nous avons fait la visite du sanctuaire d'Aso. Malheureusement, il pleuvait mais cela ne nous a pas empêché de profiter du quartier. Nous nous sommes d'abord rendus au sanctuaire d'Aso où Chan-san a pu faire une prière aux divinités du sanctuaire mais aussi acheter un omikuji (sorte d'horoscope sur papier). Elle était vraiment heureuse de voir qu'elle avait reçu l'horoscope le plus positif possible! Puis, nous sommes allés dans la rue commerçante où nous avons pu manger un croquette à la viande de cheval et des choux a la creme.  

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Today's her last day in Aso and one of my colleague bring her to the Daikanbou and the Nakadake crater. Unfortunately, it is quite cloudy outside and they wasn't able to enjoy the scenery as much as you can on a clear day. Nevertheless, it seems they have a good time going all around.  

Aujourd'hui est son dernier jour sur Aso et elle est partie avec une de mes collègues au Daikanbou et au cratère Nakadake.  Malheureusement encore, le temps est plutôt nuageux et elle n'ont pas pu profiter des paysages au mieux. Quoiqu'il en soit elles semblent avoir passer un bon moment. 

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I hope Chan-san enjoyed her time with us at Michi no Eki Aso and that she was able to learn as much as possible about Aso. Five days can be a short time to enjoy everything that Aso has to offer, especially when the weather isn't that great, but I'm sure she doesn't regret staying with us. Finally I hope she'll introduce Aso to all her friends and family in Vietnam! See you soon in Aso!

J'espère que Chan-san a passé un bon moment en notre compagnie a Michi no Eki Aso et j'espère aussi qu'elle a pu en apprendre le plus possible concernant Aso. Cinq jours, ce peut être court pour bien profiter d'Aso, surtout avec le mauvais temps, mais je suis certain qu'elle ne regrette pas son passage chez nous. J'espère qu'elle aura pleins de belles choses a dire sur Aso à sa famille et à tous ses amis au Vietnam! A bientôt sur Aso!

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Hello everyone!

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After being postponed for a few weeks due to bad weather conditions, Noyaki finally happened yesterday at Kusasenri! Noyaki is an ancient tradition in aso that is conducted almost every year and where the grasslands of Aso are burnt to ensure a fresh grass for the cattle to grow and also to prevent the forest from taking over. This is an important event for Aso that is made possible thanks to the work of volunteers. 

Apres avoir ete repousse quelques semaines à cause du mauvais temps, le Noyaki à Kusasenri a finalement eu lieu hier. Le Noyaki est une ancienne tradition qui se déroule  pratiquement chaque année et ou les hautes herbes des plaines d'Aso sont brûlées afin de prévenir la forestation mais aussi afin de mettre à disposition du bétail une herbe plus fraîche. C'est un évènement important à Aso et qui est rendu possible grâce au travail de nombreux volontaires. 

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I went to Kusasenri with our new intern coming from Vietnam. She is actually studying at Osaka University of tourism and will work with us for 5 days. Two days ago she was able to participate in a "pasture tour" near the Nekodake and it was her first time yesterday to go near the top of Mount Aso. 

Je suis allé à Kusasenri avec notre nouvelle stagiaire venant du Vietnam. Elle étudie actuellement à l'université du tourisme d'Osaka et va passer cinq jours en notre compagnie. Elle a participé à notre "tour des pâturages" il y a deux jours non loin du Nekodake et pour la première fois hier, s'est rendu non loin du sommet du mont Aso. 

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The weather was cloudy yesterday but at least it wasn't raining during the Noyaki. It's always nice to see this vast grassland burning. Of course we were in a safe spot on the parking lot in front of the Aso volcano Museum. It can be difficult to take good pictures due to the distance but also because there can be a lot of smoke all around. 

Le temps était nuageux mais nous avons au moins évité la pluie pendant le Noyaki. C'est toujours un spectacle de voir cette vaste étendue d'herbe partir dans les flammes. Bien entendu, nous étions sur le parking du musée du volcan afin de pouvoir assister au spectacle en tout sécurité. Il est cependant difficile de prendre de bonne photos à cause de la distance mais aussi de toute la fumée.

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Unlike when I saw it two years ago, they also burned the grass behind the Volcano Museum. Being much closer to the action, I think I was able to take better pictures. Our intern were also able to talk to some of the volunteers on site and even try some of their equipment as you can see on the picture. 

Contrairement à il y a deux ans, l'herbe se trouvant derrière le musée du volcan aussi a été brûlé ce qui m'a permis de prendre de meilleures photos de plus près. Notre stagiaire a également pu parler longuement avec les volontaires sur place et aussi essayer leur équipement comme vous pouvez le voir sur la photo. 

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Noyaki happen all around Aso but Kusasenri is special. You can enjoy it from a safe place not too far away and the scenery there is also one of the best. If you plan to come to Aso around February or April I strongly recommend you try to see it! 

On peut voir le Noyaki un peu partout sur Aso mais Kusasenri reste le meilleur choix. Vous pouvez l'apprécier en toute sécurité et à une distance raisonnable. Si vous pensez venir sur Aso pendant les mois de février ou vers début Mars, je vous recommande chaudement de venir y assister!

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Hello everyone!

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Last week I participated in a large meeting organized by the Japan National Tourism Organization (or JNTO)。At this meeting was invited staff of certified tourist information center coming from all around Japan. It was the occasion for me to spend two days in Tokyo to learn more about the situation of tourism in Japan and also meet colleagues from other part of the country.

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During the first day 9 presentation were given on very different subject. Each presentation were about 15 minutes to twenty minutes long so you can guess that we got a ton of information in two and a half hour. 

The first presentation was about a new service called Luggage-Free Travel. In the last entry on this blog, I introduce you to the Hands-Free Travel service that is now available here at Michi no Eki Aso. This Luggage-Free travel service is kind of an expansion of that as the two services are supposed to cohabit.   

Other presentation that I think was very informative was the one where we were given the last numbers concerning tourism in Japan. It seems that the number of foreigners visiting Japan is constantly growing. Japan is one of the country where the percentage of growth is the most important. 

Another very interesting presentation was about muslim in Japan and more specifically how to make their stay in Japan as best as possible. More information centers seems to have rooms available for those who want to pray. The speaker also talked about Halal food. It can be scary for restaurant owners who aren't familiar with Muslim culture to propose special menu for these tourists. But the presentation demonstrated that it is not that much different than having menus for vegetarian people.

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The second day was more an occasion to meet and make contact with colleagues coming from all around the country. In the first part of the morning we did some role play in English and Chinese. No problem for me with the English role play but it was much more difficult in Chinese! Chinese pronunciation seems so difficult for me... Maybe I should try to learn some basics for it not to scare me that much. 

Last part of the morning was really interesting. We had a long discussion in groups of six people concerning our daily job and we also talked about how we faced more difficult time like natural catastrophe. Having the experience of the Kumamoto earthquake, it was nice to hear the experience of the other members of my group during these difficult times. 

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It was two busy but very interesting days. This kind of meetings happen every year and are a good way to keep yourself updated on the situation of tourism in Japan.

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Hello everyone!

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Michi no Eki Aso is part of the Japan Hands-Free Travel program of the Japan National Tourism Organisation (JNTO) and today, I will introduce you to our luggage storage service and delivery service via the table below. 

Michi no Eki Aso fait parti du programme Hands-Free Travel de la Japan National Tourism Organisation (JNTO). Laissez moi donc vous présenter notre service de consigne a bagages ainsi que notre service de livraison grâce au tableau ci-dessous. 

Luggagestorage service


540 yen per luggage (tax included)

Items that cannot be shipped

Valuables, credit cards, pets, documents that cannot be reissued (passports etc.), Hazardous materials (poisons, explosives, firework etc.)

Important point

We cannot keep your luggage overnight.

Please come pick them back before closing time

Deliveryservice (Within Japan)

You can send your luggage toyour next accommodation.

only within Japan
no same-day delivery

Service deconsigne à bagages


540 yens par bagage (taxes comprises)

Ne peut être envoyé

Objets de valeur, cartes de crédit, animaux de compagnie, documents importants (passeports etc.), matériaux dangereux (poisons, explosifs etc.)


Nous ne pouvons garder vos bagages en dehors de nos horaires d’ouverture.

Nous vous prions donc de bien vouloir les récupérer avant dix-huit heures.

Service de livraison (Limité au Japon)

Il vous estpossible denvoyerdirectement vos bagages à votre prochain hôtel.

Limité au Japon
pas de livraison le jour mê

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Finally, I just want to remind you that Michi no Eki Aso is situated only a few meters away from Aso station. We are open every day from 9:00 to 18:00, 365 days a year. If you have any questions, please use the comments on this blog or send us a message on our English Facebook page. See you soon in Aso!

Finalement, je tiens juste à vous rappeler que Michi no Eki Aso est situé à quelques mètres seulement de la gare d'Aso. Nous sommes ouverts de 9 heures à 18 heures tous les jours de l'année. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas a utiliser les commentaires sur ce blog ou à nous envoyer un message sur notre page Facebook. A bientôt sur Aso!

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Hello everyone!

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Today, I had the chance to eat some Akaushi beef in an all new restaurant in Aso. Gotouya opened recently near Aso Shrine on a road perpendicular to the shopping street. There you can eat one of the most popular specialty of Aso called Akaushi-don. 

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Akaushi-don is a bowl of rice covered with thin slices of Akaushi beef. A half cooked egg and some miso are also on the top. I took the Akaushi-don set (2000 yen) so my akaushi-don came also with two kinds of pickles and a miso soup. And yes it is as delicious as it looks on the pictures! The miso (which is Akaushi miso) went very well with the meat and the egg mixed very well with the rice. The meat itself was very good as expected! 

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As I wrote in a recent article, there are many places where to eat Akaushi beef meat around Aso Shrine. At Gotou-ya you can try it in a donburi (bowl of rice), with curry, or in a soup with udon or soba noodles. If you come to visit Aso Shrine do not forget to try these popular dishes made with Akaushi beef!

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